
The NSRN is developing a central directory of postgraduate students in the field of non-religion and secularity studies. If you are working in this area, and would like to be included in the public directory, please email your details (including name, email address, thesis topic/title, graduate school and department, and supervisor) to Peter Cameron.

Alexander, Nathan
Thesis topic: 
Freethinkers and Race in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World
History, University of St. Andrews
Professor Colin Kidd

Aston, Katie
Thesis topic: Nonreligion in the UK, Rationalism, Humanism
Institution: Department of Anthropology, Goldsmiths University
Supervisor(s): Emma Tarlo, David Graeber

Baker, Matthew
Thesis topic: Psychological type and atheism
Institution: Institute of Education, University of Warwick
Supervisor(s): Leslie Francis, Mandy Robbins

Bullock, Josh
Thesis topic: The Atheist Church: Godless Congregations
Institution: Kingston University
Supervisor(s): Sylvia Collins-Mayo, Basia Spalek, Sonya Sharma

Coleman III, Thomas J.
Thesis topic: Horizontal Transcendence: A Quantitative and Qualitative Exploration
Institution: Dept. of Psychology, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Supervisor(s): Ralph W. Hood, Jr.

Cotter, Christopher R.
Thesis topic: Toward a Typology of ‘Nonreligion’: A Qualitative Analysis of Everyday Narratives of Scottish University Students [Submitted August 2011]
Institution: Department of Religious Studies, University of Edinburgh
Supervisor(s): Steven Sutcliffe

Fisher-Høyrem, Stefan
Thesis topic: Time machines: technology,temporality, and the Victorian social imaginary
Institution: History, Oxford Brookes University
Supervisor(s): Tom Crook

Franzmann, Manuel
Thesis topic: Secularised faith. Case reconstructions for an empirically grounded notion of secularisation.
Institution: Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Ulrich Oevermann

Guo, Ting
Thesis topic: Human becoming: a historical analysis of the philosophy of artificial intelligence
Institution: Department of Religious Studies, University of Edinburgh
Supervisor(s): Steve Sutcliffe, Michael Fuller

Huuskes, Lee
Thesis topic: Antecedents, correlates, and consequences of spirituality in adolescents
Institution: School of Psychology, University of Wollongong
Supervisor(s): Patrick Heaven, Joseph Ciarrochi

Jones, Kile
Thesis topic: Unbelievers and Liberal Religious Persons: Moving Past the Impasse
Institution: Religion, Claremont Lincoln University
Supervisor(s): Philip Clayton

Karila, Suvi
Thesis topic: ”Your God is no longer mine” – Lived Nonreligion of Four Women in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Institution: Department of Cultural History, University of Turku
Supervisor(s): Marjo Kaartinen, Tiina Mahlamäki, Hannu Salmi

Klug, Petra
Thesis topic: RReligious Normation: The Religious and the Irreligious in the US
Institution: University of Bremen
Supervisor(s): Gritt Klinkhammer

Lane, Justin
Thesis topic: The role of ritual and resource allocation in social stability, from an evolutionary standpoint
Institution: Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queens’ University Belfast.
Supervisor(s): E. Thomas Lawson

Langston, Joseph
Thesis topic: Explaining Atheism 3: Testing Hunter’s Durkheimian Theory
Institution: Sociology Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Supervisor(s): Heather Albanesi, Richard Dukes, Linda Dickson

Lutgendorff, Elizabeth
Thesis topic: Investigating the idea of decline in the UK secular movement from 1890–1920
Institution: Department of History, Philosophy and Religion, Oxford Brookes University
Supervisor(s): David Nash

Mann, Marcus
Thesis topic: n/a
Institution: Religion, Duke University
Supervisor(s): Mark Chaves

Mumford, Lorna
Thesis topic: Living nonreligious experience in Britain: ontology and subjectivity
Institution: Dept. of Anthropology, University College London
Supervisor(s): Charles Stewart, Allen Abramson

Quillen, Ethan Gjerset
Thesis topic: Typologies and definitions of contemporary atheisms, the atheist narrative of Ian McEwan, the history of contemporary atheism from 1980-2012
Institution: Religious Studies, New College, The University of Edinburgh
Supervisor(s): Steven Sutcliffe

Reid, Lydia
Thesis topic: The Atheist Delusion? Student believers’ responses to the New Atheism.
Institution: Sociology, University of Mancehster
Supervisor(s): Peter McMylor

Smith, Per D.
Thesis topic: The Performance of Meaning?: An Ethnography of Celebrant  Ritual Practice in the American North East
Institution: Division of Religious and Theological Studies, Boston University
Supervisor(s): Nancy T. Ammerman

Strehle, Katja
Thesis topic: Gender and Inclusion in Non-Religious Groups in Australia
Institution: School of Social Science, Western Sydney University
Supervisor(s): Cristina Rocha, Alan Nixon, Selda Dagistanli

Tyrala, Radoslaw
Thesis topic: Polish nonbelievers and their minority

Institution: Faculty of Humanities, AGH University of Science and
Supervisor(s): Janusz Mucha

Wallis, Simeon
Thesis topic: Young people’s non-religion, religious education and the intensification of life
Institution: Warwick Institute of Education, University of Warwick
Supervisor(s):  Robert Jackson, Julia Ipgrave